Application For Foreign Labour
The journey for Foreign Labour involved processes that starts from Pre Arrival and Post Arrival of Foreign Labours to Malaysia. Activities at Clab Transit Centre are meant to prepare the Foreign Workers before they embarked on their passage to work in Construction Industry.
How you get the Foreign Labours.​​

Pre Arrival & Selection Process
The Foreign Labour are selected from various Source Country through a selective and thorough process includes interviews, Online Selection of Biodata ( http://e-clabbiodata.com.my/ ) and filtered Recruiter selection from Source Country.

Post Arrival
Once the Foreign Labours arrived at the airport , CLAB will arrange a clearance process through the Immigration clearance , worker are then transported to Transit Centre for activities and program schedule there.

Induction Program
Once the Foreign Labours arrived at the Transit Centre they will be given a a comfortable hostel to stay and 3 square meals a day. A briefing and Induction Training on the diverst culture of Malaysia including DO' and DONT's at the Transit Centre will be conducted at the premise.

Health Screening

Foreign labours are required to do a medical checkup at the facility provided at our Transit Centre where they are perform by .

SICW Training for CIDB Personnel Card
The Safety Induction Construction Worker (SICW) are carried out during their stay at CLAB Transit Centre.
SICW course is also the prerequisite for registering the CIDB Construction Personnel Registration program (Kad Hijau CIDB) delivered by Certified Trainer.

Opening of Salary Account
As required by Act 265 all Foreign Labours will undertake an onboarding process for opening a Salary Account by , where they will receive an exclusively designed card and digital e-wallet where the salary will be credited in using e-Wages. Click Here for more information

Handover to Contractors
The Foreign Labours are handed over to Employer where they will start their journey as a Construction Workers in Malaysia.